World Oil Spill Conference 2024 is now accepting abstracts. Submit your abstract of original paper in 150-200 words by January 15, 2024 and take advantage of this opportunity to share your insight with the experts, solutions for a sustainable clean energy solution. PAPERS are invited online to present global best practice, advances in fundamental science, innovative research, policy developments, and solutions to challenges faced by oil & gas professionals worldwide on following sector:
Marine Oil Spill Challenges
Contingency planning, preparedness and prevention
Emerging oil spill response challenges
Spill identification, detection/surveillance, visualization and monitoring
Response technologies and countermeasures
Breakdown and transport of hydrocarbons
Consequences of oil spills and clean-up operations
Restoration and recovery
Case studies and lessons learned
Spills of opportunity and field trials
Science communications and outreach
Technology transfer
Stakeholder and indigenous engagement
Building research partnerships, collaborations and networks
Risk assessments
Pre-incident spill/baseline monitoring
Spill science and response training
Decarbonisation in maritime industry
Oil Spill Modeling to Develop Response Plans
Effective Source Control Emergency Response
Regional Response Planning
Improving Response Planning
Oil Spill Preparedness Capacity
Blue Economy and Ocean Governance
Mitigation of Oil Spill
Spill Response and Aerial Surveillance
Oil Spill Research
National contingency planning, claims analysis & damage assessment
To Improve your Chance of Success, Consider the Following Criteria:
Ensure that your paper fits the thematic tracks and that it’s relevant for experts and non-experts.
Submit original content. Describe breakthrough technology, new concepts, novel applications of established concepts or improvements to existing theories (with new supporting data).
Ensure that the work is well developed. If you can show concrete results that are well supported by data, your paper is more likely to be accepted.
Clearly show how significant your work is. Your research must be relevant for the world, region or for other researchers and/or professionals working in Oil Spill & Maritime Industry.
Prepare your outline with care, organise your material well, write clearly in plain english, prepare your graphics professionally, and make sure your information is accurate, up to date, and referenced.